
The diagnosis of heart failure

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The diagnosis of heart failure

Diagnosis of heart failure can be made if the following items are present:

In early stages of heart failure and in well-treated patients with heart failure, clinical signs of heart failure may not be present.

Structural cardiac abnormalities indicative of heart failure are usually diagnosed with echocardiography. These could be, for example:

  • a reduced LVEF < 55%.
  • a dilated left atrium. In the absence of AF or significant valvular disease, this is a sign of chronically elevated LV filling pressure.
  • LV hypertrophy. This is a LV muscle thickness > 12 mm.
  • signs of increased LV filling pressures such as an E/E' ratio > 9, pulmonary hypertension (pressure in the artery pulmonary > 35 mmHg at rest), …
  • engorgement or congestion of the inferior vena cava . This is a dilated inferior vena cava , possibly with reduced inspiratory collapse. This is a sign of increased CVP (central venous pressure).
Gedilateerde cardiomyopathie. Normotroof en matig gedilateerd linker ventrikel spierdikte < 12 mm, eind-diastolische LV diameter > 50 mm).
Normotrophic and moderately dilated left ventricle (muscle thickness < 12 mm, end-diastolic LV diameter > 50 mm). Dilated cardiomyopathy.
Mitralisklepinflowpatroon (met Doppler) en beweging van de laterale mitralisklepannulus (E’, met TDI). Verhoogde LV drukken met E/A ratio > 1.5, verkorte deceleratietijd ≤ 160 ms, E’ < 8 en E/E’ > 14.
Mitralisklepinflowpatroon (met Doppler) en beweging van de laterale mitralisklepannulus (E’, met TDI). Verhoogde LV drukken met E/A ratio > 1.5, verkorte deceleratietijd ≤ 160 ms, E’ < 8 en E/E’ > 14.
Mitral valve inflow pattern (with Doppler) and movement of the lateral mitral valve annulus (E', with TDI). Increased LV pressures with E/A ratio > 1.5, shortened deceleration time ≤ 160 ms, E' < 8 and E/E' > 14.
Flowsnelheid door tricuspidalisklepinsufficiëntie (met Doppler) voor meting van de druk in de arteria pulmonalis. Pulmonale hypertensie met piek flowsnelheid > 2,8 m/sec en berekende gradiënt 79 mmHg. Schatting van de pulmonalisdruk is 79 mmHg + CVD.
Flow velocity of a tricuspid valve insufficiency (with Doppler) for measuring the pressure in the pulmonary artery. Pulmonary hypertension with peak flow velocity > 2.8 m/sec and calculated gradient 79 mmHg. Pulmonary pressure estimate is 79 mmHg + CVP.
Gedilateerde vena cava inferior, indicatief voor een verhoogde druk in het rechter atrium (centraal veneuze druk, CVD). Indien bewaarde ademhalingsvariatie bij inspiratie wordt CVD geschat op 10 mmHg. Indien verminderde ademhalingsvariatie: CVD 15 mmHg. Indien geen ademhalingsvariatie: CVD 20 mmHg.
Dilated inferior vena cava, indicative of increased pressure in the right atrium (central venous pressure, CVP). If respiratory variation on inspiration is preserved, CVP is estimated at 10 mmHg. If respiratory variation is reduced: CVP is approximately 15 mmHg. If there is no respiratory variation: CVP is approximately 20 mmHg.